Vision Builder Geoff Buchan artist / designer

3 spiral approach to sustainability


From the Opening of the First in the "... the Flow of Life?..." Exhibition Series at Richmond.
by Hugh McKinnon

We have the post modern art movement to thank for leaving a large vacuum; an emptiness of meaning or value. Geoff Buchan's paintings trickle meaning and value back into the void. An exhibition opening of his works in Richmond on the 2nd of December had all present talking of what the works meant to them. It was more like a happening provoked by a legacy of shared experiences the paintings revived.

Geoff's themes are real and tangible. They are of flows of water, paths to walk; biospheres and collective histories of places and people; gateways and pathways; aboriginality and building community through problem solving.

Hon Kevin Rozzoli, opening "... the Flow of Life?..." exhibition

Mr Kevin Rozolli spoke of the Great River Walk initiative and visioning processes. He named his faith and belief in what Geoff is doing and praised his ability to bring people together.

Willem Brugman of Culture Lab International Inc performing the Emu and Eggs story about the role of artist over time while Geoff paints the image at the Exhibition in Richmond.

The paintings have deep texture. They are layered. They are light. They speak of a way. Willem of Culture Lab International Inc masterfully led a narrative. He was a kind of master of ceremonies. He spun a story that drew each person in the room in to say their part.

Kate Kingsbury who trains people about running businesses also spoke of her faith in Geoff's ability to bring people in to vision building. She spoke of passion and energy and causes that motivate. She spoke of doing things for children, of encouraging people to take a longer view.

Jack foster, (formerly manager of the Sydney Children's Museum) talked of coming from the opposite end as Geoff. As a marketer, he talked of being hooked after talking with Geoff for two minutes. He wanted a community to grow at Maroota and grow sustainably. He spoke of the hard edge. He meant things that will give real jobs and things that people will pay for.

Carole Sweeney of the East Bend Living Heritage Newsletter spoke of the history of getting people interested in positive sustainable community in the Maroota area.

Rose Williams, a bottled spring-water business proprietor, from the Maroota plateau donated some water to drink and spoke of her business. Her contributions of water and the symbology of water in Geoff's art were acknowledged.

Tallai Estate's local growers, the Moss family, donated wine and added spirit.

Trudi Latour filmed the event. Trudi showed a film on Little Cattai Creek. A film about water, aboriginality and gave us a sense of it's place and being. Trudi then spoke about the environment the need to do our bit.

written by Hugh McKinnon for publication in Eastbend's Living Heritage Magazine

Hugh McKinnon of Hawkesbury Skills Inc

Hugh McKinnon of Hawkesbury Skills spoke of the link between sustainable employment opportunities and the vision building that Geoff is involved in around his art. He spoke of how the vision of Sydney's Kakadu, that is embodied in the art works, is much like the vision of the now extremely successful Eden Project in Cornwall.

Completed painting from the Emu and Eggs collaborative performance at the Hawkesbury Professional Business Chambers, George Street, Windsor.

The Hawkesbury Chambers hosted the second in the "...flow of life..." exhibition series

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